I think all the PTSD from sitting out of so much of 2020, has got me rolling up to as many events as possible.
Most recently,
I was over in
Rob Zombie’s Haverhill for the first of it’s KIND Growwell conference event, put on by Beantown Greentown’s Andrew Mutty
It has been said that the growing of one’s own food is a revolutionary act
so we are very fortunate here in the State of the Bay, in that Massachusetts, one of the few states to have decriminalized home grow, also allows for the gifting of cannabis.
That being the case, it’s great that we have events like the Growwell Conference, an event which promotes the idea of growing quality cannabis in the privacy of one’s own home.
I find that it’s important to participate in events like Growwell, as bringing cannabis and all of it’s resulting dollars to heavily frequented public spaces of normal (alcohol) socialization is sure to help with the very much needed, mass destigmitazation of the most useful plant known to humanity.
It has been said that 60% of personal success cann be attributed to incessantly “showing up” and if that is true, “Cannabis” The Cannabis community, needs to show up as often as possible to events especially in one’s own “local community”.
In a broad stroke way, Cannabis culture going mainstream absolutely helps to reduce the stigma around the use of the Cannabis plant, a well documented and high quality food source for millennia, as well as the subject of a severe and brutally disingenuous campaign of demonization in the 1930s
Over in the historic downtown, the Haverhill conference paired four sessions of differentiated panel discussions, as well as several opportunities to socialize with the folks here in attendance at the popular local pub, The Barking Dog Ale House
The word on the street was that it would be well worth the price of admission, so I went big with the deluxe VIP ticket because it was rumored to be paired with a big green bag, full of some great cannabis cultivation freebies.
This particular individual venue, also happened to have one of those “sub-shop” neighbors.
One of my documented life struggles is that I have a hard time not stopping at sub shops, and I was pretty high so..
I Totally Spazzed
and made a pot-stip for a grilled veggie sub
and some deep fried peppers, with multiple cheeses aggressively stuffed in them,
….oh, and also onion rings and french fries.
Perhaps though, all my panic for provisions was for nothing, as there were plenty of snacks available over in the VIP accessible section on the second level,
and that in addition to all this amazing and valuable schwag bagz content.
Notably, medical Cannabis Pioneer, Doctor Uma Dhanabalan spoke at the event,
Dr Uma has been a long time advocate for cannabis medicine. She has helped many of the folks here in Massachusetts get access to medical cannabis, and is regarded as a leading expert on the medicinal herb.
She has spoken around the world, and is well known and regarded for her very holistic approach to it’s increasingly accepted use, as she points out that cannabis can heal the planet, it’s people, their pets, even lead to peace and be very profitable for all involved.
Also in attendance was Ed DeSouza of River Run Cannabis along with “Dr Dank ” and Jim Walterding from Beantown Greentown
Their home grow panel featured growers experienced with organic living soil, as well as soil-less hydroponic systems. It was a great comparative study of two very different styles of growing, For me, the take away was that either method, when applied properly, will yield a great harvest of top quality cannabis.
There were also a number of vendors at the event supporting the important work being done here, and taking advantage of an opportunity to get exposure within in the ever growing New England Cannabis Community.
Big Up to :
The folks from CNA stores
Pure Breeding Genetics
The Center for Cannabis Excellence
and of course, the nice folks at MASSCANN