With all the trees changing colors, like from green to purple, driving around New England in early Autumn is amazing.

I mean it’s a bummer that the price of gas has gotten so high, budd if your going out leaf peeping anyway you might as well do it with red eyes and with a mouth full of smoke and/or snacks.

I had recently pulled off the highway for some petrol and found myself in the town of Bolton. After filling up I decided that ol Bolton was a quirky enough place to take a little bonecrooze.

It wasn’t long before I discovered the most interesting apple orchard farm stand.

One of my favorite ways to smoke cannabis in Autumn is through an apple.

Because the Apple has so much water contained under the skin, it automatically cools down the smoke and if you don’t break the skin too badly at the site of the stem detachment , the waxy skin on the surface of the stem dimple prevents the weed from getting too damp.

Another fruity feature is that after you finish using the Apple, you cann eat it, which cleans your teeth and is a source of vitamins.

l challenge you to find another form of paraphernalia that will give you vitamins and clean your teeth.

Anyway, while I was in line getting my granny Smith weed bowl (precut) I couldn’t help but notice a mini mob of people waiting for apple dumplings to pop out of a little magical oven that was like a rotisserie style pie machine.

I’m no dummy.

If you see that older folks are waiting in line for pie it’s because it’s the good kind of pie.

…Old people will not wait in line for some bad pies

.. at least under most circumstances

In any event, I was super zooted and totally smelled like mad weed. The lady at the counter knew it and she definitely knew why I was there. She even winked at me in a baker-y way.

Actually she was happy to let me know that I was welcome to come back anytime I like

and that she was more than happy to supply me with as many apple dumplings as I cann shove into my giant face

A deal I certainly won’t be puff puff passing on